Extending The Ladder

Animé par Nancy Novak, directrice de l’innovation chez Compass Datacenters, « Extending the Ladder » a pour objectif de fournir des informations à la prochaine génération de femmes dirigeantes, alors qu’elles se frayent un chemin dans ce qui est traditionnellement un espace dominé par les hommes.

Équipement pour les podcasts : microphone et écouteurs

Le contenu des ressources est affiché en anglais uniquement.

16 Ressources

Confronting Implicit Bias in the Workplace with Janese Murray

D&I expert shares practical tips and information about the impact of bias.

The Intersection of Health and Technology

The worlds of health and technology continue to converge to deliver new capabilities and efficiencies to the healthcare industry. In this episode, LaS...

The Importance of Female Leadership

Host Nancy Novak and Lakisha Woods, President and CEO of the National Institute of Building Sciences share insights on their own careers and about con...

Finding the Ever-Elusive Work-Life Balance

Host Nancy Novak and Sandra Benson of Amazon Web Services discuss how they've gone about striking an appropriate balance between their careers and per...
